Abigail Sharpe. Romance novelist. Wife. Extrovert. Performer. Band Mom. Daughter. Technical writer. Reader. Sister. Gator grad. Friend. Community volunteer.
Breast cancer survivor.
So many women with so many different titles and one thing in common. And it sucks.
I started blogging when I was diagnosed to keep my family and friends in the know – and so I didn’t have to repeat all the lovely things happening to me and my body. Here it is, with dates and times, the days and months of surgeries, hair loss, a runaway prosthetic, chemo, radiation, oral medications, bone pain, and the Bellybutton that Would Not Heal.
These pages are lifted from my blog, including comments, grammar issues, folks who posted anonymously, and when I go off-topic. Each entry is time and date stamped, so you can see what happened to me and when. It’s all true, though some names have been changed to protect the (not-so) innocent. If you had my friends, you’d understand why.